Monday, June 21, 2010

Day Eight

Still sick. Not just a little bit sick, but all the way - stuffy head so it's hard to think, bad headache (which two ibuprofen seemed to help, thankfully). I did a hot shower, Nettie Pot, hot tea....and it's still here. Well, so be it. I will settle in to the couch. I have a fuzzy blanket, more hot tea, a box of tissues, and the remote control.

Breakfast: Brown rice with apples, raisins, pecans, and cinnamon; green tea

Snack: mint tea, grapes

Lunch: two eggs, half avocado, half tomato, salsa

Snack: banana

Dinner: three (!) bowls home made chicken noodle soup (quinoa noodles)

I am lying on the couch, feeling terrible, watching TV, and wondering how I"ll ever get my chores done.

But I'm also thinking about this diet plan, and how much healthier it is. I don't kid myself - I know I"m in the honeymoon stage, and that it will get harder after a while. Right now the bloom is on the rose.

It's amazing to me that I am able to stay on plan when I feel so sick, but I'm very dedicated to it.

I am actually considering stay on this plan forever, with modifications. It is the "right" way to eat, and it's not as hard as I thought it would be. It has to be better for my body, for the planet.

I really, really want to lose 20 pounds, or more. But to know that I'm doing the right thing - that feels good.

I'm not committing to a world without croissants, but I have to figure out how to marry the real world with this plan. All or nothing is often easier than the gray zone. Can I have an occassional glass of wine, or a croissant, or dessert....and not resume old habits? How many treats like that are the right amount? One a day? One a week? How do I self monitor? And will I continue to eat this healthy when I allow dairy back? How many crumbles of feta are healthy, and how do I know how to measure that?

And eating in resturants - how does that work?

Right now I'm not obsessing on the questions, just pondering them. I need to stay on the plan for five more weeks before there are any changes.

Oh, yeah, I have committed to the full six weeks. I was only going to do three, but six seems reasonable now that I'm in it.

Giving it my all. Now, I wonder how I would feel if I wasn't sick?!

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