Friday, June 18, 2010

Day Five

Still on plan!

I have come to realize what a baked-goods junkie I was. (Am.) I love the combination of butter, sugar, and white flour - ahhh, the good ol' days.

Okay, it was only four days ago, but it seems like a long time ago.

I have eaten healthy food for years and years and years. I have no problem with kale, or beans, or quinoa. I like just about every vegetable. (Not crazy about green peppers, but I'll eat them if I have to, just to be polite.) Love fruit. Enjoy different grains. Love cuisines from all over the world.

However, I'm realizing that on top of my healthy plan, I was eating an awful lot of baked stuff. Breads, croissants, and scones. Muffins, cakes, cupcakes. (Oh, how I love buttercream frosting.)

So, this diet is forcing me to look at how many of those items I was eating. Okay, message received.

And what's interesting? When I remove those items from my diet, it is amazing how many fruits and vegetables I can fit in their place. Hungry? Grab an apple or banana. Lunch? Lots of greens. Dinner? Even more greens than usual, and less meat. The usual amounts of starch, I suppose - brown rice, quinoa, and other gluten-free grains.

Today I'm coming down with what Tessa has - a nasty cold. My throat is scratchy and sore and so I'll see what happens next. Oodles of herbal tea (peppermint and chamomile are my faves) in my future.

Breakfast: brown rice with apples, raisins, and cinnamon (yum)

Snack: grapes

Lunch: hummus & carrots, mango

Snack: eggs, avocado, and salsa

Dinner: brown rice, veggies, chicken stirfry

Dessert: garden strawberries and one ounce dark chocolate

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