Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day Six: Reflecting

I was very, very reluctant to sign up for this plan.

I'm not big on infomercials, and this plan sounds like an infomercial. I read the book, and thought that it wasn't exactly exciting reading, and that the plan sounded like a ton of deprivation.

But Ryan wanted to do it, and I wanted to support him. And still I debated.

But when the agreed upon day came, I signed up. Reluctantly, but still, I committed.

And now, nearly a week later? I'm realizing just how much I needed this. I was not getting anywhere close to the amount of fruits and vegetables I thought I was, and writing it down proves that - now I'm getting a reasonable amount, and only now am I consistantly hitting the recommended five servings per day. (I'm getting more than that - hurrah!)

I have gained back almost all of the weight I lost in 2006. I'm starting to believe that I can drop it all again, and then sustain that.

It's like Michael Pollan says: Eat Food. Mostly Plants. Not too much.

This plan forces me to do just that, because I can't eat baked goods and cheese (or, my favorite, baked goods containing cheese).

It's a wake up call.

Waking up now...

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